Recent Events
- Skathariphobia Therapy at Balcombe W.I.Our meeting in February had a last-minute change as Linda was unable to attend. After an outline of current and future WI events, and of course tea and cake, we settled down for a Beetle Drive. For those of you who have not played this …
- Balcombe WI – 7 Great Women in Egyptian HistoryOur February meeting saw fifteen members, and two guests gather in the Victory Hall. We welcomed Margaret Baldock, as a new member, and hope she enjoys our WI. Our speaker, Carole Andrews, spoke so knowledgeably about seven great women in Egyptian history. She made these …
- Balcombe WI Art MasterclassThe very enjoyable and relaxing WI Painting by Numbers meeting might at first thoughts seem quite a childish and perhaps simplistic and uncreative activity. However, we were following in the footsteps of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci who assigned sections of walls and ceilings to …
Where and when do we meet?
We meet at the Victory Hall, Balcombe on the first Thursday of every month at 2pm. We usually finish around 4pm. See our diary of events below for what’s coming up soon! (Coming -Ed.)
Victory Hall, Stockcroft Road, Balcombe, RH17 6HP
Who are the Balcombe WI
Our group is made up of women of all ages who come together to enjoy monthly meetings on all sorts of topics. Balcombe WI was established in 1917 by Lady Gertrude Denman, WI’’s first National Chairman.
What is the Women’s Institute (WI)?
The WI is the largest voluntary women’s organisation in the UK! Just under 7,000 WI’s across the country. It “plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a variety of activities and campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities”. (NFI website). We would love you to come along and find out a little bit more about us, so feel free to come along to a meeting and introduce yourself, no need to tell us in advance. There is a small charge (£1) to come to a meeting as a guest, tea and cake included.