Welcome to the Balcombe Community website

Welcome to the Balcombe Community website

Get the inside info on the thinking behind the new Balcombe Community website.

Balcombe Village Fete – Book Online

Balcombe Village Fete – Book Online

Full details of how to book a stall at this year’s village fete are now available on the website. You can either download and print a booking form or submit an application using our new online form. Click here for full stallholder information

FFBRA – Challenge goes to Court of Appeal

FFBRA – Challenge goes to Court of Appeal

Today, 7th May 2024, we got the news we have been waiting for since October. The Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Stuart-Smith has granted our application to appeal. We are now waiting to hear our court date. This means the decision by Judge Lieven to deny our 

FFBRA Appeals against judicial review decision

FFBRA Appeals against judicial review decision

On October 31st, FFBRA filed an application for permission to appeal at the Court of Appeal. This will be decided by a judge reviewing our grounds for appeal. We expect to hear their decision in 3 to 4 months’ time. If we are successful in 

FFBRA News and Information Coffee Morning – 10th June

FFBRA News and Information Coffee Morning – 10th June

Coffee, teas, cakes and children’s play area. Please join us in the Parish Rooms on: Saturday 10 June from 10.30 am to 1 pm. From 11.30 to 12 noon there will be a short questions and answers session covering: And any other questions you may have. 

Balcombe CrowdJustice Case Launched

Balcombe CrowdJustice Case Launched

FFBRA is challenging the Planning Inspector’s decision to allow Angus Energy to flow test in Balcombe in the High Court. We will need everyone’s help to do this. We have instructed Leigh Day to act on our behalf. On Saturday 11th March we will be launching 



We have received the devastating news that Angus Energy have been granted their appeal. This comes after West Sussex County Council Planning Committee refused Angus Energy’s application to extract drilling fluids and conduct an extended well test at Lower Stumble, Balcombe a UNANIMOUS VOTE. The Planning Committee decided 

Fed up with Speeding in Balcombe

Fed up with Speeding in Balcombe

Are you fed up with speeding vehicles in Balcombe? You can do something about it! Your contact details will be treated in the strictest confidence, once your report has been submitted the only further contact Operation Crackdown will make with you is if they need 

Balcombe’s Parishes in Bloom Written Submission 2022

Balcombe’s Parishes in Bloom Written Submission 2022

Community involvement in Balcombe took on a new dimension in 2022 with the formation of Balcombe Friends of Ukraine. Within a few weeks, more than 90 people had expressed an interest in either hosting a family or helping in some other way. By June we 

Balcombe Friends of Ukraine – we need your support

Balcombe Friends of Ukraine – we need your support

Group launches to help those fleeing war-torn Ukraine Families and individuals in Balcombe have come together to find out how they, and the village, can help people fleeing the war in Ukraine. Some 11 families that we know of have so far offered to host