FFBRA – Challenge goes to Court of Appeal

Today, 7th May 2024, we got the news we have been waiting for since October. The Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Stuart-Smith has granted our application to appeal. We are now waiting to hear our court date. This means the decision by Judge Lieven to deny our judicial review will be examined by a court comprised of three judges – and our case will be be heard in the Court of Appeal.
We have challenged Judge Lieven’s decision on 6 grounds. 4 have been allowed to proceed.
These are;

  • Unlawful to rely on the benefits without harms of hydrocarbon extraction
  • Flawed interpretation of M7 of the West Sussex Mineral Local Plan
  • Unlawful failure to consider alternatives to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
  • Unlawful failure to assess impact on water resources

While we wait to hear our court date, we need all the help we can get with fundraising. To take this on to the Court of Appeal will cost us more money. Please donate if you can. Any amount however small will help. Ours is an important case that will have an impact on the future of oil extraction in the UK. This is much bigger than Balcombe. So please spread the word. Our Crowdjustice site has been updated to reflect the new target of £25,000.

FFBRA Committee

Donation options

Send a bank transfer to:

Frack Free Balcombe
Sort Code 608301
Account Number 20317139

Send a Cheque to:

Frack Free Balcombe
Stockcroft Road
RH17 6LL

Donate directly to our Crowdjustice site
