Skathariphobia Therapy at Balcombe W.I.

Our meeting in February had a last-minute change as Linda was unable to attend. After an outline of current and future WI events, and of course tea and cake, we settled down for a Beetle Drive. For those of you who have not played this game the aim is to be the first player to draw a complete beetle and shout ‘BEETLE’. Each part of the beetle’s body has a number that matches a number on the dice. Players take it in turns to throw the dice and draw the beetle body parts, there are box sets of the game available where you can make up a plastic beetle usually limited to four players. Whatever the approach you have to throw a six to start which equates to the beetle body. After some lively rounds, with dice dropping, frustration in not rolling a six and creative beetle drawing, a winner was declared.

The therapy was deemed successful, whilst no Beetles were harmed.

Skathariphobia – The fear of beetles

We were joined by two visitors this month, one of whom has now become a member. Our next meeting will be a Flower Arrangement Demonstration by Anne Anderson on Thursday April 7th, at 2pm prompt in the Victory Hall. Members, please remember to bring a flower from your garden for the ‘Flower of the Month’ charity table.
We welcome visitors who can come twice for a small fee (£2), before deciding if they wish to join. We are very friendly and would love to see you.

Marian Kenward