Village Magazine copy date

Please mark email copy as “Parish Magazine” and send to the magazine editors in Microsoft Word font size 14 if possible.

Hard copies are not necessary, except where there is no access to a computer, in which case we welcome handwritten notes.

If you would like to subscribe to the Parish Magazine (delivered to your house each month by a volunteer as soon as it’s published) please phone Anne Fairweather 811532 or Linda Parker 811781.

The Magazine is always available on sale in Balcombe Stores, Balcombe Tea Rooms, and St Mary’s Church.

Note: We’re developing a new page for the magazine where we plan to provide you with a means of contacting us, submitting articles, subscribing for home delivery and viewing our electronic archive of past editions.


15 Jan 2025


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Balcombe Magazine Editors
Balcombe Magazine Editors